Episode 7

Seascapes: Sound Mirrors

Soundmirror is a participatory artwork that listens to and reflects the soundscapes of coastal environments through the sites of First World War sound mirrors in the north east today.

The online artwork created by Rob Smith invites people to add to a database of sounds and examines how ‘listening’ to the contemporary coastal environment can enable the site of the sound mirror to emerge from the intersection of technologies and shared histories.

By questioning what the sound mirror’s continuing role in the contemporary landscape is, Soundmirror creates a space that can enable connections with the site of the mirror to expand beyond simply being an historic location.

In this episode, we hear from lead artist; Rob Smith, Hannah Fishburn from OASES, Robin Daniels from Tees Archeology & Diane Stephens, manager of the Heugh Battery Museum.

Find out more about the project here.

Producer: Lottie Steele

About the Podcast

Show artwork for SeaScapes
A podcast about the North East Coastline and our relationship with it