Episode 3

Seascapes: Blue Wave

Blue Wave is a dance project that seeks to co-create an authentic connection between coastal communities and their natural marine heritage through dance. Blue Wave was co-created with female members of Friends of the Drop in for Asylum Seekers and Refugees (FODI) and Sangini (a BME-led, multicultural women’s arts organisation) and the North East Migration Project (NEMP).

The dance project drew inspiration from what can be seen, heard and felt at the coast, from the movement of waves to the flora and fauna that call it home. Participants were supported to explore their own relationship with their coastal environment and how this connection can be expressed creatively through dance.

In this episode, we hear from lead artist; Constance Humphries, Bluscapes Officer; Sarah Campbell, general manager for the National Trust; Eric Wilton & dancer; Tracey West.

Find out more about the project here.

Producer: Lottie Steele

About the Podcast

Show artwork for SeaScapes
A podcast about the North East Coastline and our relationship with it